Have your say on licensing and gambling in Sandwell

Sandwell Council is

inviting local residents and businesses to have their say on its licensing and gambling policies. The consultations will run from Tuesday 1 October 2024 until Tuesday 26 November 2024.

Every five years, Sandwell Council must publish a Statement of Licensing Policy with respect to the exercising of its licensing functions. The council is keen to receive any comments which you may have so that we can ensure that the policy is fair and reasonable, balancing the interests of local people against the wider benefits to the community as a whole. In exercising its licensing functions under the Licensing Act 2003 Sandwell Council must have regard and seek to promote the four licensing objectives

• The prevention of crime and disorder

• Public safety

.• The prevention of public nuisance

• The protection of children from harm In addition, every three years Sandwell Council consults on its approach to minimise any negative impact from licensed gambling. The council’s Statement of Principles has a key role in ensuring that it delivers on its Vision 2030 commitments. There are three licensing objectives which are central to the regulatory regime.

These are:

• Preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder, or being used to support crime

• Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way

• Protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling Drop in sessions to view the plans have been arranged for: Monday 4 November 2024, 5pm–7pm Central Library, High Street, West Bromwich, B70 8DZ Tuesday 5 November 2024, 5pm – 7pm Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury B68 3DE Wednesday 6 November 2024, 5pm – 7pm Wednesbury Library, Walsall Street, Wednesbury WS10 9EH

Monday 11 November 2024, 5pm- 7pm Brasshouse Community Centre, Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick B66 1BA

Tuesday 12 November 2024, 11am- 1pm Tipton Library, Mayfair Gardens, Tipton DY4 8SR

Wednesday 13 November 2024, 3.30pm – 5.30pm Blackheath Library, High Street, Rowley Regis, B65 0EA

Alternatively you can go online at https://consultationhub.sandwell.gov.uk/ Paper copies of the policies will be available to view at all Sandwell libraries. Councillor Suzanne Hartwell, Sandwell Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community, said: “Many people may enjoy the occasional, sociable drink or a flutter on the Grand National but we need to ensure that this is done in a way that minimises negative outcomes as much as possible. I would encourage everyone to let us know what they think of our policies so that we can ensure that they address any issues residents may have.”

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